So i was been supposed to post this, but i was waiting for our pictures to be sent.
&& it looks long but trust me its really interesting...if it wasn't, i wouldn't have wasted my time typing it!
June 30,2009, there was a memorial celebration or the legend...icon...&&
KING of POP: Michael J. Jackson.
It was held at the Apollo Theatre in Harlem, NY...where Michael and his brothers (Jackson 5) first performed.
The celebration started at 2pm and 600 people were let in at a time to participate in the 45min tribute.
Sounds like things would be moving pretty quickly right? Well, they weren't! Me, Gyasi, Emily, my sister Damaris and my Dad arrived at 2:30pm sharp and the line was already wrapped around the block...it took us about 3hours just to get near the theatre, and we were even near the doors yet. (however, we were REALLY close)
Gyasi has about 5 of his very first albums including "Bad"...&& everyone from different radio stations and websites wanted to interview us and take our pictures. The sun was blazing (87 degrees).
Everyone was singing, dancing, greeting each other, and just celebrating Michael's life.
That is until i got chaotic.
First people started cutting the line, and then it RAINED!
And it wasn't just a drizzle
There was the lightening, the thunder, buckets of water pouring down on us...we were crowded by other fans, it was hot and sticky...there streets flooded with dirty water & i was wearing sandals.
Everything I had on was BEYOND soaked. People were becoming crazy, chanting, "LET US IN, LET US IN"
i know ur like WTF is she crazy? lol but honestly i really enjoyed myself.
Sadly i never got to go inside because of the flooding and everything,
our cameras & phones were being damaged
&& eventually we just left.
Gyasi & Emily stayed& waited another 2hours in the storm...& when they finally got inside, the tribute was shortened to 10min (that sux)
all in all, it was quite an experience!
Go to: http://www.wnyc.org/ to see our 4 second interview (lol)
we're at 1:15 (fast forward to 1min and 15sec) :)