Today, for me, was the most dreariest day EVER! i hadn't left my house once. not even to sit on my balcony and watch the cars drive by, or laugh at the squirrels fighting in the trees lol. oh the pictures above && below were taken from my window. (in case u were wondering how i got them)&& another thing that just made things worse is that i have to fight a case of PMS for the rest of the weekend Lmao! when in doubt just laugh! wow...can u believe any of this...
so to name some of the few things i did this saturday, one was re- reading some of my favorite parts of Stephanie Meyer's Breaking Dawn
Like when Bella first realizes she's pregnant with a half human half vampire baby; and when Edward finally turns her; && when the baby was born; && in the end when the Volturi has come to diminish the Cullen family
This book was beyond amazing, && i cried when it ended because i knew there wasn't another sequel tto read. honestly, i really didn't know wat to do with myself when the book ended.
Now i guess i'll just have to wait until 11.21.08 arrives;
that's when i'll be able to see Edward's gorgeous face. (well really Robert Pattinson) but who cares he is way HOT! lol
Until then, i decided to skim through my new issue of TEEN VOGUE
which was a bad idea because Kristen Stewart was on the cover which meant....yea Twilight was featured in it! yea but it's ok because i was able to control myself
However, i was kind of disappointed that they didn't show Jacob Black played by the GORGEOUS Taylor Lautner
i love him!
&& i actually came across these two new and young dominican models!
i fell in love with what they were wearing. Especially the one on the left. her blue skirt is waaaay k-yute!
so in the end, i found something that pleased me....sorta (lol)
&& i'm going to watch the new episode of Keke Palmer's new sitcom Jackson VP tonight
saturday may not end up so bad after all! =)
thanks for visiting my blog! plus, that is so nice of you to say. thank you so much, really that means a lot to me.
i read breaking dawn when i'm bored too! i usually read over the funny parts :]
Oh wow, I can't wait for the next Twilight movie... I also like your blog a lot! Want to trade links? If so, comment your link on my blog!
Team Edward baby!
love those books, especially the name Renessmee (however you spell it?)
thanks for following my blog, btw.
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