soo today i went to Levi's house.
his mom was type mad because he didnt tell her i was coming. smh..irresponsible. lol jk. but we went to the library up the street so he could begin his research for an American History project. i came across the book
"The Last Song"
written by one of my
favorite authors
Nicholas Sparks, which is also showing in the movie theatre tomorrow.
now if a book has a movie version to it, i always read the book first then watch the movie.
Levi knew i wanted to see the movie version of "Dear John" also by Nicholas Sparks, so he bought me the book. then i saw the movie. today he wouldnt check out the novel version of "The Last Song" :(..he said if he gets the book for me, he's not taking me to see the movie on friday. but i really wana read the book. However, he was kidding..thankfully..i think..lol. but when he decided to check the book out for me, he realized he had forgotten his library card at home -_- smh! im gona read the book reguardless so everything should turn out well. plus i get to watch the movie with Levi so idec about the book as much anymore lol.
On to more tasty things, his mom can cook her butt off. the last time i went to his house, she made BBQ ribs, macaroni && veggies. delicious ! this time it was porkChops, white rice && corn. even more DELICIOUS ! i had alotta fun today :)
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