yesterday was THE best day ever ! I went on a picnic with Levi at Prospect ! :) well at first it didn't start off so well. I was supposed to be at the park at around 2pm but I didn't get there until around 3pm. I felt really bas because he was waiting so long for me to show. but it wasn't my fault. when I was on my way there empty handed, my mom called me suggesting I bring ice. so I bought some && hurried back home to put it in a cooler. then she decides she wants to take 10min to make lemonade. then she packs a mini cooler with more ice && two waters. then she gives me chicken and bread rolls. as im finally leaving she makes we switch bags. (mine was "raggedy" -_-) so I finally leave && when I get to the train Levi calls asking where am I. I told him just getting ready to get on the train. he was SOOOO mad. =/ when I got to the park he had already had a space for us. a blue blanket. a ziploc bowl with a bunch of mini sandwiches, oreos, 2 cheeseburgers, CapriSun && water. it was soooo cutee && sooo special. =) we sat and ate && talked about everything down to twigs that looked like turds LOL. I even read some of "True Love" to him. the current book im reading by Lurlene McDaniel. I wish the day would've lasted forever. I've never enjoyed myself as much as I did yesterday. July 3, 2010. sigh. I'll miss it. I love you sleepyhead. 11.24.09 ^
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