So if you didn't already know, i am a HUGE Miley Cyrus fan. I love her music, her show, her style (well....Selena Gomez's style is more me...) But anyway, Miley is very inspirational. So about a week and a half ago, I wrote to the explaining how much it would mean to me if she invited Miley on her show. Little did i know that Saturday, October 25,2008, i was going to get a call from Tyra's producers. They asked me if i was a big Miley fan and i said "DUH!" LOL. Then i was notified that they would be filming an episode dedicated to Miley && her 16th birthday. She askedme if i wanted to be a guest on the show as a supportive Miley Cyrus fan. Guess wat I said? got it...DUH! LOL. So Tuesday a car was sent from the TyraCompany for me and my mom to attend this taping. && after i almost became suicidal trying to find a outfit to wear, we finally headed off to the studio.Sadly, we weren't allowed to bring our cameras && phones inside so i have no pix of myself with Tyra. && Miley couldn't make it.But i did meet Samuel L. Jackson (he told me he liked my orange and pick flowered converses), and Affion Crockett. They're both hilarious.I had such a good time. If only i were able to take pix of myself and Tyra...and of course Sam L. Jackson.But that was one of the best days of my life and it was worth every bit!Here's a "random" pic of wat i wore that day.... DIFF ERENT MUCH?....
-Graphic Tee: Charlotte Russe
-Orange Tank: Wet Seal
-Jumper Skirt: a store at KingsPlaza
-Green Skinny Jeans: Wet Seal
-Hair: Mom did it LOLz
It seems to defeat the purpose to not be allowed to bring a camera to preserve the moment!
yea i was so disappointed
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