Kute GraDez Means " K-yute" OutFit =)
Okay so Thursday was the first parent teacher conference of the school year. && Guess what? I did BEYOND WELL!!! And i know i've spoke about my grades in a previous post, but this time the truth is exposed! && i'm so friggin' HAPPY!!!Lol Not trying to like brag or anything, but I think I should definitely be excited to have a 92 average! So anyway, in honor of my success I decided to throw together something "KewLz"
Well it was comfortable lol! Especially my new RAINBOW scarf from Old Navy
And my tanish t-shirt from, a small store in RidgeWood, that read "NewYork" in a few different colors.
And my brown wedged BamBoo high boots
I felt extra tall
And finally my orange shoulder bag from RainBowStores.
A "kute" outfit for some "kute" GradesSz =) Signed//Daisy
the whole outfit was cute. i wish i had good grades when i was in high school so i could get money, but unfortunately i didnt so i had to buy my own clothes. lol. love the blog
kewl i loved the outfit it is very cute and omgee i just bought a rainbow scarf from old navy too but mines is different but i'll be posting pictures soon so u can see it.& wow congrats on ur good grades i just wished my grades were as good as urs lol.
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