So glad saturday is finally here. Any High School student can relate to this. From having to take PSAT's this Wednesday, to receiving progress reports and taking unecessary last minute exams, tests and quizzes so the teacher could "use it to base your report card grade on something." What does that even mean.....Well I know what it means...but why is it necessary??? Ha idk but..yea
I came home last night at 12 am, threw myself onto my bed, and passed out for about 11 hours lol.
Parent teacher conference is next week. I'm an A student and I'm usually not nervous...but for some reason I kind of am this time around. Maybe it's because I'm new to school, and that environment. I don't know. I do my homework. I participate all of the time and the lowest I've gotten on a test or quiz is a 70% which isn't half bad...but it doesn't satisfy me. The highest I've gotten is a 100%
Well some good news is that I auditoned for chorus and yesterday I found out that I made it. YAY! You could check out some vids of me singing on YOUTUBE. {www.youtube.com/MzDaizyxx3} if you have and account please subscribe.
Anyway, for entertainment this weekend. I plan to go see my cousins, watch disney channel and order stuff. On WetSeal.com there are these boots that I want & they cost 30$. But I found a better pair at CutesyGirl.com for just 19.99$. Isn't that amazing?!? They are purple (my fav color) booties! They're so HOT!!! && So I'm going to get them. And then of course I have to be involved in WetSeal's sale <buy 1 graphic tee get 1 half off && 15$ jeans> How great is that??? And if you haven't noticed, I gotta have my graphic tees!!! DUH! Haha So my weekend may not sound too exciting but WatEv...I'm getting NEW BOOTS LoL!
got ur comment yesterday and those pants and that necklace are cute rite.well anyways the website i saw them on was forever21.com(my favorite store)and i like those boots your going to buy they are very cute do they come in other colors??
thanks for the comment !<3
i love those boots; esp. in purple they sound way cute for fall &
congrats on making chorus ! the singers at my school arent that good lol
thanx for the comment and u noe i think i might buy a pair of those boots lol
Good for you for being so good in school! I wish I could say the same lol
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